What is it about?
Systemic constellations, originally used in f amily therapy, are increasingly seen as a method for maximising human potenti al in the field of business and management. Particularly in organisations with complex personnel systems, constellations can be utilised as a kind of navigational tool
Work with 2 experienced management trainers with psychological-systemic background and widen the spectrum of your competence as a trainer, consultant, or hr manager. For optimized practical application complement your constellation skills with our systemic coaching approach (macro-micro coaching) Following this special training you can extend your systemic qualifications in advanced trainings and in supervision workshops.
What do you learn?
You learn to lead systemic constellations with macro systems (companies, organisations, teams) and micro systems (personality system, respectively “inner team).
We pay as much attention to training your awareness and perception as we do to training practical skills and tools
Insight into the principles of family constellation and some of your own dynamics in family and personality enlarge your professional qualification and are significant components of this training. Further emphasis lies in the work with different forms of constellations and the relations between different systems and system levels. You will also be working on how to implement solutions into working practise using systemic coaching in individual consultation sessions.
How do you learn?
Apart from theoretical inputs you will learn from practical demonstrations of the leaders. Under supervision you will begin practising leading constellations yourself step by step right from the beginning. Our printed working materials enable you to deepen and re-do what you've learned theoretically as well.